Sunday, March 15, 2009


(As you may have noticed, blogging is not a top priority for this household...we have plenty of other things that keep us pretty busy. For those of you who actually view the blog, thank you and I'll try to be more consistent with posting photos of our rapidly growing children)!!

While I'm referring to the baby in this picture and not the asparagus that she is holding, I will mention that she thought the asparagus was quite delicious! She's been eating some solid foods for a few months now, but like her brother she prefers to feed herself so much so that when big sister's plate was within reach, she snatched a piece of asparagus and gobbled it right up. Her big sister, who recently became a veggie-hater was quite delighted and even offered her more. We are so grateful for the blessing this baby has brought to our family and all of the good things she has brought out of each of us. It's been a delight to see how much happier the older two are now with their baby sister around. I think we would all agree that there are many words that we could use to describe her and how much we enjoy her, but the one that comes to mind the most (given the amount of hugs and kisses she is given) is DELICIOUS!!!

*I know it looks like her face is unhappy, but she smiles with such a big-open mouth sometimes. She's actually very happy in this photo.

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