Sunday, April 26, 2009

Little Angel #2 Update...

...Just because he's so dog-gone cute!! He's such a fun-loving boy and adds just the right amount of spunk and spontaneity to our "Party of Five"! We are in the midst of major attempts at potty training. It's quite the hysterical process to say the least. I think we had two successes the entire week this week, and he decided that the potty seat makes a better hat than anything else. I succumbed to the consumerism I so often complain about and got him a seat that looks like a football. His successes were in large part due to the football, so now I'm trying to convince myself that it was a useful purchase (still can't say that it was "necessary" though). He now requests M & M's when he announces that he has to go. I'm tickled to have found a treat that he desires enough to "do his business for"...He still has yet to learn that he actually has to GO in order to get the treats.

Birthday Bash for the Oldest Angel!

That's right. She's the big more year until she's a whole hand. She had a very fun birthday and absolutely loves her new bike. She rode today while I went for a jog and did a marvelous job keeping up!

Sunday, April 19, 2009

We've come to the conclusion

that we should have a bedroom of wall-to-wall mattresses. That way, everyone could sleep with someone when they wanted to, but have their own space when they wanted it too. This is silly...:)

Theory of Evolution

No wonder there are people out there who believe that we evolved from monkeys...Listen to them!

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Happy Easter!!

Here's praying that your life is filled with the joy and abundance of the love of our Risen Savior!!


I've got a looooooooooong way to go as a seamstress, but I did actually finish something!! Little Angel #1 loves it so much that she wore it four days in a row!

The Three Muskateers

Such a fun bunch! They really enjoy each other a lot. Little Angel #3 has really been wanting to be involved with the other two a lot more now. It's so fun to watch them play together in the sunroom. They all like to stand at the door and watch for Daddy to come home.

9 Month Sweetie

We are very thankful for every moment of her first nine months! She has been such a delight. Her favorite activities: Standing (even though she needs someone to hold her up and can't get to the position herself. She's not crawling yet, and I couldn't be happier about that.) Feeding herself, she enjoys anything she can get her hands on. Sitting with a mound of toys around her. Chomping-Ouch! She has 8 teeth. Singing and squealing happy shrills. Watching her brother and sister. Being thrown in the air. Can't wait to see the rest of her little life unfold.