Wednesday, April 15, 2009

9 Month Sweetie

We are very thankful for every moment of her first nine months! She has been such a delight. Her favorite activities: Standing (even though she needs someone to hold her up and can't get to the position herself. She's not crawling yet, and I couldn't be happier about that.) Feeding herself, she enjoys anything she can get her hands on. Sitting with a mound of toys around her. Chomping-Ouch! She has 8 teeth. Singing and squealing happy shrills. Watching her brother and sister. Being thrown in the air. Can't wait to see the rest of her little life unfold.

1 comment:

Mrs. Pickles said...

How did she get to be 9 months already?? And 8 teeth?! My 13-month-old only just popped out #5!

What a little sweetie. I hope we get to meet her before she's all grown up!