Sunday, November 9, 2008

NFP the Catholic form of birth control?

Interestingly, while we were engaged and during the first part of our marriage another couple confronted us with the question, "Isn't Natural Family Planning just the Catholic version of birth control?" This perplexed me and I didn't know quite how to answer. I certainly never thought of it like that before. Perhaps I just needed a few years of marriage under my belt to be able to say, "No it's 'not. It's not at all." (I hope that the next part of this post is not too personal, but I feel compelled to share the beauty of where we find ourselves right now).

With our youngest angel only four months old and with the confusion that breastfeeding can cause with respect to NFP, we've been delving deep into the beauty that periods of abstaining can bring to a marriage. What graces we have been given!! Praise God that He has allowed us to grow so much during this time. At times it has been a temptation to think that couples who use birth control really do have it better. Externally it appears that everything is wonderful for these couples and that their relationship is strong and beautiful, which may be true, especially for those who have not had the Catholic formation we have been blessed to have (a big thanks to our parents for that). However, we've been discussing how in these relationships it's not necessarily a matter of what is, but a matter of what cannot be with the use of birth control, with the withholding of fertility in the union of spouses. In our current situation we've been given the grace to see very, very clearly that NFP is in fact not at all equivalent to birth control. Yes, we are trying to avoid pregnancy, but the approach is rightly ordered because we are using our sexuality according to God's design and not according to our own. All too often we think about our sexuality serving us and our marriage. The Creator of our sexuality in His infinite wisdom knows so much better than we do. He has better plans for us than that. It's been extremely powerful to pray that our sexuality be at the service of God and that it always be pleasing to Him. This has certainly not been easy, and of course sexuality is a very important part of marriage (which is why we are now learning the Creighton method with the hopes that we can be a bit healthier about abstaining). However, there is far more beauty with a rightly ordered sexuality than this poor culture of ours can even begin to understand. I hope that we can be God's vessels to share with others the wonderful joy that it is to use His gifts as they were designed to be used.


Lazywife said...

Rats! I was ready for another Harold baby. ;)

Unknown said...

This sounds so familiar!

N&M said...

Great to hear your thoughts and honesty!

Lorijean03 said...

Thank you Brenda, for sharing so deeply about your experience of NFP! It was so good to hear it from another devout couple. Your family is beautiful! Hope all is well!

Peace in Christ,
Lori 'Degaitas' Lavigne :)

Anonymous said...

This is great, I appreciate you putting it into your own words. I find it crucial to remember that it is GOD's WILL for our families, not ours, that we need to keep in mind. And God does not necessarily will for families to be big, or that He wills for you to have any children by birth at all. We have found great frustration in the fact that we were so open to pregnancy and a large family and then POOF! God allowed *US* (one of the very few in the world so open to life) to be infertile...Hmmm...why would this be? Could it be that God allows this for many reasons - to find out that it is HIS will that is important and also, of course that, what we have felt called to do: is to parent the children that have been neglected, abused or abandoned... Such are the tough lessons of life. And to think, then I have other very fertile friends who say "gosh, you have it so easy: you never have to worry about getting pregnant!" How insensitive! I replied "gosh, you are so fortunate to know that from your physical act of love, you may bring life into the world!" Yes, I feel special that God chose us to parent these disadvantaged kids but I think we will always feel left out of the normalcy of bearing our own.