Monday, November 23, 2009

Little Saints

One of the reasons we've been so busy is that Little and Littler have been diving into their "school-work". I mentioned in a post during the summer that I was doing a little trial run with homeschooling. We've all very much enjoyed it, in spite of the great amount of preparation that goes into the Little Saints Preschool curriculum (Just a heads up to anyone considering it.) I still do not know what we will do next year as far as school for Little. I'd like to try homeschooling again, and I've looked into a few things I may like to use. I am relieved that there will not be the great amount of preparation I've been putting into it this year. One aspect that I've enjoyed the most is that I generally feel more relaxed about our home and the state it's in because I've enjoyed the quality time I've spent with the kids doing school work with them. However, I have hired a sitter to come two afternoons a week so that I do have some time to run errands, catch up on things around the house, or just have some relax time to myself. I find that knowing that a sitter is coming also helps me feel more relaxed about the house b/c I know that I will have a few consecutive hours to do the things that are so difficult to do with the Littles at my feet-like clean the bathroom. At any rate, I ask your prayers that as far as the school decision goes, we do the will of God. I'm hesitant to weigh the advantages and disadvantages of a decision one way or the other...I don't think I'd ever come to a decision. So, with that, I've decided it's not about that or what I think the "best" decision is-I've made the focus of the decision on what God is calling our family to do. It is, by the way, difficult to set my love of teaching aside when I pray about it, but I'm doing the best I can.

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